Professional Development Series (PDS)
The mission of the Professional Development Series is to provide training and resources to develop the skills needed to succeed as a current science and engineering researcher and a future professional in a variety of careers. The series develops skills in communication, academic scholarship, teaching & mentorship, and career preparation, and serves as an umbrella and partnership program to host many of the initiatives that CSEP offers for graduate students and postdocs.
Graduate student & postdoctoral scholar teaching, mentoring & leadership opportunities:
CSEP offers a number of opportunities for graduate students and postdocs in science and engineering to serve as mentors and teachers for K-12 students, community college and university undergraduates, and other community partners.
- Research & Scholar Mentoring
- Teaching and Pedagogy
- Communication and Leadership Development
- Outreach and Community Engagement
Science communication & teaching programs include:
- The School for Scientific Thought (SST) - science and engineering teaching fellowships
- Family Ultimate Science Exploration (FUSE) - science and engineering community outreach
- Art of Science – art public engagement
Career and leadership programs include:
- Individualized Professional Skills (IPS) - mini grants for career development
- CSEP Mentorship Fellows Program – fellowship in research mentoring and leadership
- Seminars, Workshops, and Events - career exploration/preparation and networking opportunities with career professionals.
Series partners:
- Biological Engineering
- Career Services
- College of Letters & Science
- College of Engineering
- College of Creative Studies
- Graduate Division
- Office of Research
- SB Museum of Art
- UCSB Innovation + Entrepreneurship
- UCSB Library
- Quantum Foundry
- Student and Postdoc groups: Beyond Academia at UCSB, ChemPD, Photonics Society,
- Graduate Students for Diversity in Science (GSDS),
- Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) Graduate Chapter at UCSB,
- Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE)
- Extramural funders: DoD, NIH, NSF
- and many others . . .
To learn more about upcoming events and opportunities:
Join the Google Group Professional Development Series hosted by CSEP
Visit our CSEP Events page for a list of workshops and seminars