Prof Beth Gwinn is the Winner-2019 Lifetime Mentor Award AAAS
February 12, 2019
UCSB Physicist Elisabeth Gwinn Receives 2019 AAAS Lifetime Mentor Award
“I’m grateful not only for the opportunities I’ve had to work with many marvelous students, but also for the UCSB staff who partnered with me,” Gwinn said. “Neither LEAPS nor SST would have been possible without the sustained contributions of Wendy Ibsen (associate director of CSEP) and Dr. Fiona Goodchild (founding director of CSEP), or the early leadership of Professor Evelyn Hu in establishing UCSB’s strong campus support for innovative STEM education and mentorship programs.”
Please read more about her trailblazing accomplishments at the AAAS or on the UCSB Current.