Get Involved
We invite faculty in STEM fields to get involved in a variety of educational activities for K-12 students and the local community, undergraduate research and professional development, and graduate student and postdoctoral trainee programs. For more conversation surrounding your interests reach out to the program leads.
- K-12 & Community Engagement
CSEP hosts a variety of informal and formal activities throughout the academic year.
Faculty interested in volunteering their time and expertise in Family-Focused Evening, Student-Centered Weekend, or formal classroom events should contact Associate Director, K-14 & Community Wendy Ibsen to get involved.
- Undergraduate Research & Career Exploration
CSEP coordinates undergraduate research training across STEM disciplines and sponsors the SACNAS student chapter. During the academic year and summer there are many opportunities for faculty to join in networking events such as Dinner or Lunch with Faculty, being a guest speaker at chapter meetings or through the Practice of Science course. Faculty can also host interns in their research lab during the summer as part of the CSEP Undergraduate Research Programs.
Faculty should contact Undergraduate Research Programs Coordinator Sofi Sanabria-Guillen to get involved.
- Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Scholar Training
Coordinating with various departments, faculty, and staff at UCSB, CSEP offers an intensive Professional Development Series; PDS focuses on the knowledge and practical experience essential for the success of graduate students and postdoctoral scholars and their future varied careers in science, engineering, and mathematics.
Faculty that would like to be part of this larger training opportunity (by serving on panels, giving talks, or sharing new ideas) should contact Associate Director, Research and Training Programs Arica Lubin to get involved.