UCSB Writing Program Elevates the Art of Science Captions
May 15, 2020
The 7th annual Art of Science competition winning pieces have just received an additional boost thanks to the creativity and writing acumen of two UCSB Professional Writing minors (Science Communication track). Carly Kay and Julia Reitman worked with each of our 10 winners to enhance the impact of their piece through powerful captions. This effort was part of a collaboration with the Writing Program that included a new award, "Best Caption." Timothy Carroll (Graduate Student in Chemistry and Biochemistry, Ménard Group) won this award for his piece, "Same Bricks—Different Houses." Dr. Amanda Stansell, UCSB Writing Program Lecturer, coordinated the Writing Program’s contributions.
This is the latest example of the partnerships that make Art of Science the successful outreach initiative it is. We are grateful for the efforts of our Writing Program partners and happy to have them join our AoS family!
Check out the 10 winning pieces currently on exhibit online at the UCSB Library: https://spotlight.library.ucsb.edu/starlight/art-of-science
See all 42 entries that share remarkable visual stories of creativity and discovery at UCSB at https://art-csep.cnsi.ucsb.edu/gallery.