Become a CSEP Mentorship Fellow

October 6, 2022

We're pleased to announce the new Mentor Leadership program at the Center for Science and Engineering Partnerships (CSEP). Established in 2022 to support student-driven innovations and skill development around mentoring, the CSEP Mentor Leadership program will provide an annual fellowship in the amount of $5K ($4K stipend, $1K activities/supplies) awarded to one science, engineering or mathematics graduate student to serve as a CSEP Mentor Leadership Fellow. The selected fellow acts as a lead mentor for graduate students and postdocs across a wide range of STEM disciplines, serving as a role model and guide for developing mentoring expertise. During their tenure as a Fellow they develop and lead a suite of mentoring activities and resources. In addition to implementing well-established activities, the fellow has the ability to create timely resources and activities that align with their interests. Fellows become a part of the CSEP mentor training team, working alongside and receiving support from CSEP staff and affiliated faculty. The program is generously supported by a gift from the Goodchild family and the UCSB Graduate Dean.