Internship applications open for Nereid Bio Explore working in research, industry, science policy, or documentary film making through a UCSB Nereid Internship!
Interns will work side-by-side with an interdisciplinary team of scientists, engineers, government experts, and story tellers to develop, test, and market novel ocean-degradable plastics. Mentors will guide interns in identifying project goals, milestones, and to develop scientific communication, teamwork, and project management skills needed for today’s workforce.
The UCSB Santoro Lab, Mango Materials, the NOAA Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary (CINMS), and Brier Films are recruiting undergraduates with an interest/background in any of the following areas to join the Nereid team: materials science, marine biology, microbiology, molecular biology, chemical engineering, chemistry, marine biology, geography, environmental science, political science, and/or film making.
Selected interns will work during the Winter and Spring 2022 quarters. Interns successfully completing the academic year portion of their training will continue through the summer on the same project, or transition to Mango Materials in the Bay Area. See here for project descriptions.
Interns will earn $500 per quarter in Winter and Spring 2023 during the training phase of the program, followed by a stipend of up to $10K ($5K stipend +$5K housing) to continue in the summer 2023.
Application deadline is November 27, 2022.
For more information and to apply visit the Nereid website.