Program Development

CSEP’s Education team provides critical expertise to STEM faculty at UCSB, regional community colleges, and minority-serving institutions to support the development of STEM research centers, CAREER proposals, training grants, and initiatives focused on workforce development, education, outreach, and broader impacts.

Support for your project

From the proposal stage through the life of the award, we support projects at a variety of levels:

  • Idea generation and proposal consultation budget development
  • Program design and implementation
  • Partnership development (UCSB, K-12, community colleges, other minority-serving institutions, professional societies)
  • Program management and staffing
  • Integration into existing education & evaluation infrastructure
  • Reporting to funding agencies

We have experience with government funding agencies (e.g., NSF, NIH, ONR, DoD) and private foundations/industry (e.g., Amgen, Beckman, Jack Kent Cooke, Raytheon), and understand their proposal and reporting requirements.

Areas of Expertise 

The CSEP Education team has expertise in the following programmatic areas that span pre-college through faculty:

K-12 Students, Teachers & Community Engagement

CSEP hosts a variety of programs that have engaged over 50K participants through classroom, informal, and community venues. For current examples please visit our K-12 & Community page.

Undergraduate Research, Workforce Training, and Career Exploration

CSEP offers a variety of research and industry internships, skills development courses, career exploration workshops and grants, and mentoring and community development opportunities that have engaged over 13K community college and undergraduate students. For current examples please visit our Undergraduates & Community College page.

Faculty interested in having their current undergraduates participate in CSEP summer professional development and networking activities should contact Shelby Le for more information.

Recharge rates for the 2024-25 fiscal year:

  • $94.30 Orientation and Final Talks for interns in CSEP-managed programs
  • $111.42 Professional Development Workshops Registration
  • $96.27 Networking Activities Registration
  • $47.17 CSEP Summer Colloquium Registration

Our recharge rates are updated annually on July 1 per University Policy and are subject to change.

Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Researchers

CSEP offers training in curriculum development, teaching, science communication, mentoring, and career preparation that has engaged over 14K graduate students and postdocs. This includes fellowship programs, along with programming for enhancing professional skills and career orientation. For current examples please visit our Graduate Students & Postdoctoral Researchers page.


CSEP offers mentoring and education outreach resources for STEM faculty. We also support new faculty in their transition to UCSB, informing them of the campus infrastructure and support for the education and broader impact components of individual PI awards. Since 2010 CSEP has supported the development of over 90 successful proposals, including 31 NSF CAREER awards, 5 research centers, 15 diversity initiatives, and 11 training grants.

Contact us

Please contact M. Ofelia Aguirre Paden for an initial consultation to assess your needs and determine who is best suited to support your project.