CSEP Anne Leak at AAPT/PERC!
Anne is at AAPT/PERC presenting on one of our projects, TRAINS, which is a partnership between CSEP, USC, and led by Rio Hondo.
Anne is a co-PI and the education researcher. She and Jyllian Herman, a student from High Point University, are pictured below in front of the poster Jyllian presented. The poster was titled “Investigating the role of question-asking and making contributions in bridging cultures to foster physics identity development”. Anne also gave a talk that was very well received titled “Investigating Approaches for Supporting Communication Skills to Foster Students’ Physics Identity Development and Sense of Belonging”. Peter Chung (USC) and Chris Vaca (Rio Hondo) were co-authors on both the talk and poster, and Anne and Jyllian were co-authors on each other’s presentations.