Ulises Gonzalez '06 keeps on his career pathway as a LA City Planning Associate
November 21, 2017
We are proud to have been part of Ulises Gonzalez undergraduate training at UCSB. Ulises started his education with the SIMS program in 2002 and graduated from UCSB in 2006 with degrees in UCSB Geography Department and UCSB Chican@ Studies. He was actively engaged in the student and local community in a variety of roles, including serving as the UCSB - SACNAS President from 2005-2006.
Ulises states that, In 2007, when I was applying for urban planning grad school I said to myself: “In the long run, I would like to give back to my community by becoming a … planner for the City of Los Angeles...Becoming a professional city planner will give me the power to have a direct impact on my community. I hope that one day my decisions will impact policy that will benefit the general public.” I am happy to accomplish one of my goals and be a public servant in my hometown. #Planning4All
Los Angeles Department of City Planning announces via facebook:
PLANNER SPOTLIGHT: Meet Ulises Gonzalez, City Planning Associate at the Metro Development Services Center's Housing Unit. Prior to joining the Department, Ulises served as Special Assistant to the Office of the Secretary at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.