PDS: Current Topics in Bioengineering: Farming Meat from Cells: A Modern Approach to Accelerating Agriculture
May 10, 2018
Thursday, May 10, 2018
Elings Hall 1601
*Light refreshments will be provided*
RSVP: https://forms-csep.cnsi.ucsb.edu/forms/PDS/Registration.php
Nicholas Genovese, PhD (CSO & Co-Founder Memphis Meats)
Memphis Meats began with a mission- to radically change how meat arrives to the table by
decoupling its production from the corporal boundaries of an animal. For millennia, the practice of animal husbandry was refined to supply our civilization with meat as a reliable and accessible means to palatable nutrition, beginning with the domestication of livestock and continuing through the modern industrialization of agriculture. Recent advances in developmental biology, tissue engineering and bioprocess manufacturing have spurred the domestication of cells as a non-canonical approach to the production of meat. This presentation with will explore the progress and opportunities toward bringing meat to the consumers, from cells to product.